Useful tools

1- Transit observability predictions

In this section we present a tool to predict whether the next transits of your favorite exoplanet will be observable from ome of the SPECULOOS site

Only a few basic information are needed:

  • Site name, ex: obs_name = 'SSO'

  • Planet name, ex: name = TRAPPIST-1b

  • Right ascension, ex: ra = 346.622384

  • Declinaison, ex: dec = -5.041398

  • Timing (in BJD_TDB), ex: timing = 2457322.51505

  • Period (in days), ex: period = 1.51088212

  • Transit duration (in days), ex: duration = 0.02511108

  • Date to start prediction, ex start_date = '2020-06-01 00:00:00'

  • Number of next transits from this atart date, ex: ntr = 4

Note that this tools is not suposed to be very precise as errors on timing, period and duration are NOT taken into account.

import SPOCK.short_term_scheduler as SPOCKST

                   start_date='2020-10-01 00:00:00',ntr=4)
Ingress Egress mid transit mid transit JD Observable SSO Observable SNO Observable Saint-Ex Observable TN Oukaimeden Observable TS La Silla
TRAPPIST-1b 2020-10-02 11:38:11.217 2020-10-02 12:14:20.814 2020-10-02 11:56:16.015 2459124.997 False False False False False
TRAPPIST-1b 2020-10-03 23:53:51.432 2020-10-04 00:30:01.029 2020-10-04 00:11:56.231 2459126.508 True True False True True
TRAPPIST-1b 2020-10-05 12:09:31.647 2020-10-05 12:45:41.244 2020-10-05 12:27:36.446 2459128.019 False False False False False
TRAPPIST-1b 2020-10-07 00:25:11.862 2020-10-07 01:01:21.460 2020-10-07 00:43:16.661 2459129.530 True True False True True

2- Get info on a target from SPECULOOS target list

If you want to check rapidly the stellar properties, GAIA ID, its priority, its completion etc of a SPECULOOS target, you can use the following function:

import SPOCK.stats as SPOCKstats

SPOCKstats.info_on_Sp_target(target = 'Sp0439-3235')
Sp_ID 2MASS Gaia_ID wise Program nb_hours_surved nb_hours_threshold RA DEC e_gra e_gdec telescope Filter_spc texp_spc Filter_trap texp_trap dist dist_err SpT e_SpT Ms e_Ms Rs e_Rs T_eff ... mag_rp mag_rp_err Habs e_Habs Jabs e_Jabs Kabs e_Kabs Gabs e_Gabs BCj BCj_err L_bol L_bol_err cf num_stars min_dist_stars avg_dist_stars rel_flux_stars plx plx_err pmra pmdec pmra_err pmdec_err
334 Sp0439-3235 04393407-3235516 4.871414e+18 J043933.97-323551.4 1.0 228.16 200.0 69.891853 -32.597658 0.056772 0.06425 ['Callisto'] I+z 0.0 I+z 0.0 20.2 0.0 5.4 0.9 0.113 0.001 0.138 0.02 2925.0 ... 13.910709 0.003683 9.486847 0.025223 10.086847 0.022253 9.106847 0.025223 13.829693 0.003464 1.912446 0.029292 0.001248 0.000042 0.0 1.0 44.57 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -101.527 9.711 0.124 0.145

1 rows × 72 columns

3- Get info on scheduled night blocks

Here we propose a function to check which targets have been scheduled on the SPECULOOS telescopes by displaying its corresponding night_blocks . The user will onyly have to precise the date and the telescope.

import SPOCK.stats as SPOCKstats

SPOCKstats.read_night_plans_server(telescope = 'Io',date = '2020-10-12')

target start time (UTC) end time (UTC) duration (minutes) ra (h) ra (m) ra (s) dec (d) dec (m) dec (s) configuration
0 Sp2330-4736 2020-10-12 23:36:20.018 2020-10-12 23:31:00.021 56.666717 23.0 30.0 15.887304 -47.0 -36.0 -45.08424 {'filt=I+z', 'texp=15'}
1 Trappist-1b 2020-10-12 23:31:00.021 2020-10-13 02:59:20.021 146.333333 23.0 6.0 29.000000 -5.0 -2.0 -28.00000 {'filt=I+z', 'texp=23'}
2 Sp2330-4736_2 2020-10-13 02:59:20.021 2020-10-13 04:23:20.018 83.999950 23.0 30.0 15.887304 -47.0 -36.0 -45.08424 {'filt=I+z', 'texp=15'}
3 Sp0553-7133 2020-10-13 04:24:20.028 2020-10-13 09:19:20.028 56.666717 5.0 53.0 26.479968 -71.0 -33.0 -49.79088 {'filt=i', 'texp=16'}
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