
You must be part of the SPECULOOS consortium to download SPOCK.


Please follow the instructions below to install the package

Install SPOCK locally:

git clone https://github.com/educrot/SPOCK.git
cd spock
python setup.py install


To use SPOCK you will need to be part of the SPECULOOS consortium and have access to:
  • the SPECULOOS server,

  • the Portal,

  • the Cambridge Archive,

  • the SPECULOOS WG6 spread sheet

  • the SSO HUB,

  • SNO reduction PC.

Then follow the procedure:

  1. the first step is to add a password.csv file in the folder: “your_SPOCK_path/SPOCK/credentials/”.

  2. the second step is to connect to the Liège VPN to have access to all functions of SPOCK

  3. open SPOCK_app.ipyn in a jupyter notebook and click on run all cells to check everything is working fine.

Contact Elsa Ducrot for more details (educrot@uliege.be)


  • In a terminal in SPOCK source code folder:

    git stash
    git pull

More details on SPOCK

SPOCK is presented in more details in Sebastian et al. 2020.